The weather forecast for the Sydney to Hobart for this year will offer something that all skippers of 100ft super maxis who are competing for the line honors excluding Christian Beck of Info Track. The leading yachts that have emerged from the harbor are going to be greeted with light 10-15 knots wind that is going to turn north-north-easterly. It will build 15-25 knot by the end of the first night as said by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Nonetheless, Beck is not that pleased. This is a great forecast for the passengers as it is going to be pleasant. However, he has a heavy boat and they are going to need a lot of wind. They will be able to bash through heavy stuff but there isn’t to bash through with this type of forecast.
The software entrepreneur has mentioned that he bought his boat since it had been a low-cost super maxi but he has not given up all hope. He says that sailing is almost like playing a game. Comanche has a racing record of one day and nine hours. The prediction of lighter wind this year, the record is highly unlikely to be challenged. He says that they are going to see some type of transition which point forecast at a point between Montague Bay and Jervis Bay.